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 欧马腾会展     开展:2021-6-19     闭展:2021-6-21

 深圳     深圳国际会展中心(新馆)    建筑材料     浏览:3568



第 21 届中国国际医院建设、装备及管理展览会

中国国际医院建设、装备及管理展览会作为 CHCC 同期重磅品牌活动,中国国际医院建设、装备及管理展览会自推出起,紧贴国内外医院建设市场发展与创新应用,将各种新技术、新设备、新方案同台共享,旨在构建一个产业广泛覆盖、学术深度研发的“双引擎”品牌大战略平台。


标准展位 2300元人民币/㎡(12㎡起)包含 基本家具、地毯、照明、楣板、插座;

光地展位 2100 元人民币 /㎡(18㎡起)。仅为空地


扉页广告 1.5 万元(购买两页即为跨版)

内页广告 1 万元

内页跨版 1.5 万元


VIP 客户特装展示专区

VIP Leading Brand Showcase

赞助商为主的特装展区 / Sponsor, Big Brand


Medical Gas Engineering and Auxiliary Equipment

医用气体系统规划与技术 / Medical Gas System Planning and Technology

中心供氧、医用气体系统 / Central Oxygen Supply and Medical Gas Supply System

中心供氧、医用气体系统 / Central Oxygen Supply and Medical Gas Supply System

真空相关设备 / Vacuum Related Equipment

医用气体汇流排 / Medical Gas Busbar

医用气体监控与报警设备 / Medical Gas Monitoring and Alarm Equipment

气体终端及设备带 / Gas Terminal and Equipment Belt


Clean Room & Special Ward Projects and Auxiliary Equipment

层流病房(ICU 等)工程与设备 / Laminar Air Flow Ward (ICU, etc.) Projects and Equipment

中心消毒供应室及配套设施 / Central Sterilization Supply Room and Supporting Facility

负压吸引及管道系统 / Vacuum Aspiration and Pipe System

感染控制灭菌工程 / Infection Control & Sterilization Projects


Medical Gas Engineering and Auxiliary Equipment

医用气体系统规划与技术 / Medical Gas System Planning and Technology

中心供氧、医用气体系统 / Central Oxygen Supply and Medical Gas Supply System

真空相关设备 / Vacuum Related Equipment

医用气体汇流排 / Medical Gas Busbar

医用气体监控与报警设备 / Medical Gas Monitoring and Alarm Equipment

气体终端及设备带 / Gas Terminal and Equipment Belt


Smart Medical Industry Service Platform

分级诊疗信息平台 / Hierarchical Diagnosis and Treatment Information Platform

互联网医院平台 / Internet Hospital Platform

智慧医疗服务平台 / Smart Medical Service Platform

远程医疗信息服务平台 / Telemedicine Information Service Platform

区域健康服务信息平台 / Regional Health Service Information Platform


Hospital Logistics Transmission System and Auxiliary Equipment

箱式及轨道小车等中型物流系统 / Box and Rail Car and Other Medium-Sized Logistics System

医院门诊药房的全自动化设备 / Fully Automated Equipment for Outpatient Dispensaries in Hospitals

医院气动轨道物流系统 / Hospital Pneumatic Track Logistics System

AGV 与医用物流机器人系统 / AGV and Medical Logistics Robot System

药械部门自动化物流系统 / Automatic Logistics System for Pharmaceutical Equipment Department

垃圾被服收集系统 / Garbage Collection System

绿色医院建筑 / 医院节能改造与运维服务

Green Hospital Building \ Hospital Energy Saving Reconstruction and Operation Services

绿色医院建筑整体解决方案 / Green Hospital Building Solution

绿色光电新技术及产品 / New Green Photoelectric Technology and Products

新能源技术与装备 / New Energy Technology and Equipment

生态水资源利用 / Eco Water Resources Utilization

机电设备节能控制与改造 / Electromechanical Equipment Energy Saving Control and Modification

资源高效利用技术及设备 / Energy Efficient Utilization Technology and Equipment

环保节能技术及解决方案 / Environment Protection Technology and Solutions

医院能效管理监管产品及平台 / Hospital Energy Efficiency Supervision Products and Platform


Consultation, Planning & Design

医院建设项目前期策划与工艺流程设计 / Preliminary Planning and Process Design of Hospital Building Projects

工程咨询 / Project Consultation

规划与建筑设计 / Planning & Architectural Design

综合及专科医院总体规划与设计 / Overall Planning and Design of Complex and Specialized Hospitals

单体医疗建筑规划设计 / Planning of Individual Hospital Buildings

其他医疗卫生机构设计 / Design of Other Medical and Health Centers

项目管理 / Project Management


Hospital Building Materials and Construction Equipment

医院墙、顶、地面等建材专区 / Hospital Wall, Roof, Ground and Other Building Materials

卫浴设施及抗菌洁具专区 / Sanitary Appliances &Shower


Hospital Door, Window and Hardware Systems


Hospital Soft Furnishings and Furniture Equipment

门诊急诊类家具 / Outpatient Emergency Department Furniture

住院部类家具 / Inpatient Department Furniture

医技类家具 / Medical Technology Furniture

医院空间色彩运用 / Hospital Space Color Use

医院照明系统 / Hospital Lighting System

装饰陈设与室内绿化 / Decorative Furnishings and Indoor Greening

医用窗帘隔帘、软装部品 / Medical Curtain, Screen and Soft Furnishings


Hospital Interior Design

景观设计、绿化设计 / Gardening & Landscape Design

室内装饰装修设计 / Interior Decoration Design

室内装饰装修工程 / Interior Decoration Project

医院标识系统 / Signage Design Systems

医院无障碍设施 / Barrier-Free & Self-Service Facilities

医疗防护设施及患者安全系统 / Medical Protection Facility and Patient Safety Systems


Integrated Ward and Smart Ward


Hospital Operation Guarantee & Logistics Service Supporting System

餐饮装备与服务 / Catering Equipment and Service

医院洗衣工程与装备 / Hospital Laundry Projects and Equipment

医院停车建设与管理 / Hospital Park Construction & Management

医院物业管理 / Hospital Property Management

医院监护服务 / Hospital Nursing Service

医疗质量评价与认证体系 / Medical Quality Evaluation & Accreditation System

租赁与外包服务 / Lease & Outsourcing Services

垃圾分类处理及回收 / Waste Classified Disposal & Recycling

安全保卫服务及管理 / Security Services and Management

合同能源管理 / Contract Energy Management

骨科器械与设备 / Orthopedic Instruments and Equipment

医用机器人、移动及远程医疗、可穿戴设备、3D 打印、VR&AR / Medical Robots, Mobile and Telemedicine, Wearables, 3D Printing, VR&AR


The construction of Healthcare supply chain Intelligent Management Center
